Jim Krenn
Engaging, popular Pittsburgh personality whose storytelling engagements will capture any audience!
Jim Krenn rose from the ranks of stand-up comedians to become a popular Pittsburgh entertainer and well-known host of the city’s top-rated morning show on 102.5 WDVE (for 24 years!). He has been voted “Top Entertainer” and “Favorite Radio Personality” 14 times by Pittsburgh Magazine, as well as being featured on the cover three times. He has twice appeared on the cover of Whirl Magazine, been nominated as one of the “Major Market Personalities of the Year” by BILLBOARD Magazine, and featured in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s annual year-end caricature in 2015, chosen as one of the people who both represented and made an impact on the city.
As a one of the city’s favorite “yinzers”, Jimmy teamed up with Larry Richert and cartoonist Rob Rogers to create Yinzer Cards, a fun and humorous way to celebrate the city they love with Pittsburgh greetings you can send to all your friends and family. With each purchase of a card, 10% of the proceeds are donated to Animal Friends, a charity Jimmy has supported for many years. Along with cards, Yinzer Bars are available through Sarris Candies.
Jim has performed with Jay Leno, Howie Mandel, Dennis Miller, Jerry Seinfeld, Richard Lewis, Gilbert Gottfried, Tim Allen and many other nationally-known celebrities. His speaking/storytelling engagements are full of humor-laden stories of his growing up in the ethnic neighborhoods of the Strip District, the city’s history, life as a stand-up and full-time radio host on Pittsburgh’s #1 radio station and more. Some specific speech topics include:
★ Strip District Diaries: From growing up in an alley to becoming ambassador of the city. Super Bowls, stadium concerts, carrying the Olympic torch, Jimmy tells stories about his experiences including people he has met and the background of the characters he created and brought to life on his 24 years as Pittsburgh’s #1 radio personality.
★ Can’t Win From Row C: To win in business or in life, you can’t be afraid to fail. Jim shares stories of perseverance, risk, fear and teamwork – from boxing to life as a standup comedian.
★ Why Pittsburgh?: It’s all about people with stories from a “neighborhood” guy. Jim will cover the colorful people and characters of the city – and bring to life experiences that will leave you laughing and inspired!
Find more – and listen to past episodes of the Jim Krenn: No Restrictions podcast – on JimKrenn.com.