Chris Ruggiero
"One Man Variety Show" Chris Ruggiero blends comedy, magic, juggling and stunts for an unforgettable performance.
Chris Ruggiero performs a high-energy, interactive One Man Variety Show that will keep your audience engaged and amazed! He is an expertly skilled juggler and unicyclist who blends comedy, magic, juggling and stunts for a memorable performance that will impress audiences of all ages. Whether he is juggling knives, riding a unicycle or performing impossible balance tricks – nothing is off-limits! Though this show boasts plenty of impressive stunts and skills, Chris seamlessly combines his amazing abilities with audience involvement. The show is created specifically for your event and can be customized to fit your needs and expectations. Chris performs around the world and has been nominated by Campus Activities Magazines as Reader’s Choice for Best Variety Act. He was even deemed “epic” by Ellen DeGeneres during an appearance on her show!
Find more on Chris Ruggiero’s website.