Casino Night Party – Monte Carlo Theme
Casino-style entertainment featuring an exciting array of authentic, interactive games.

Our Casino Night Parties are our most popular and highly requested events, providing interactive entertainment as a successful way to entertain clients and employees. Casino Party packages feature your personal selection of our authentic Games – including Craps, Roulette, Blackjack, Texas Hold’em Poker, Let it Ride Poker, Big 6 and Horse Wheels, genuine Slot Machines, Cash Quiz and Casino Clash Trivia, along with newer additions like life-size Operation, Casino Plinko and our Custom Wheels.
Guests receive a cash coupon at the beginning of the gaming event which they present to the dealer of their choice to be redeemed for $10,000 in play money or chips. A minimum bet is $1,000. Guests use this play money to bet with at the tables. At the conclusion of the casino, dealers will convert guests’ play money winnings into raffle tickets good for prizes that you provide. We use a 5 to 1 ratio conversion (for every 5 bills, guests receive 1 raffle ticket) with a maximum of 25 raffle tickets per guest. We provide double style raffle tickets that guests will split, keeping one half and distributing the other for chances at your prizes.
We offer package suggestions of a variety of sizes that would best accommodate the type of event you are hosting and amount of guests expected. Our casino packages feature a mix of the most popular casino games and can be customized specifically to your needs.
• Blackjack
• Craps
• Roulette
• Let It Ride Poker
• Texas Hold’em Poker
• Wheels
• Slot Machines
Additional Games (Great specialty games that can be incorporated into your casino package):
• Trivia Games
• Life-size Operation
• Sports Games
• Plinko
• Custom Wheel
• Triple Crown Horse Racing
Our Casino event can be customized specifically for any type of event or theme. We can provide party novelties (theme hats, colorful beads, sheriff badges, grass skirts, leis, etc.) Let us create a fantasy night of gaming entertainment and fun for your next event!
How long should our Casino Party run?
We find 2 hours to be the best time frame…the way we’ve structured our events, we teach guests how to play the games in the first hour, and build up the excitement in the second hour by loosening up and having fun with the guests. We work up to the final hand (or spin) and leave all the guests walking away talking about what a great experience they’ve had!
Do we need to provide our own dealers?
That is completely your choice. Most people take advantage of our trained professionals because it makes their planning easier. However, in fundraising scenarios where cost is an issue, our Pit Boss can train your volunteer dealers the gaming rules an hour or so before the event begins. The Pit Boss then stays and oversees the event, answering any questions that arise during the event.
Are Casino Parties legal?
Absolutely. We only use play money at our events; there is no “real” gambling. A “Casino Party” is purely an entertainment theme and is for entertainment purposes only. At the conclusion of the event, guests trade their play money for raffle tickets, which they use as chances to win the prizes that you provide. In order to save money, most fundraising events have their prizes donated by various area businesses.
What are the most popular games?
Blackjack will always be the most popular game. Texas Hold’em has gained popularity over the years as well. It is best to urge your guests to try and take full advantage of the event by moving from game to game. Craps and Roulette are games that will always draw crowds because they are great spectator games. Craps is especially popular because our professional dealers take their time to teach guests all the intricacies of the game. You will always find Craps to be the loudest table in the room!
Are Casino Parties good fundraising events?
They are excellent as fundraisers, and you can structure them several different ways. The most popular usually works this way: Your guests buy an admission ticket and receive a set amount of play money as a “thank you” for attending. They then use this play money at the casino tables. If they run out, they can purchase additional play money. A second way is to charge a low admission fee and not start guests with any play money. They can purchase their play money the night of the event. A third scenario (and a way to make additional revenue) is by “selling” sponsorship of the gaming tables to area businesses. These businesses sponsor a gaming table and then advertise their business by decorating the table with their logo, etc..
Interested in a Monte Carlo Night? Just answer these questions and email us at to start planning your own Casino Night Party!
• Date of your event?
• Venue?
• Approximate amount of people?
• Is the event a fundraiser or for fun?
• Time of your event? (Our Monte Carlo Nights typically run for a 2-hour dealing time).
• Email / Number to contact you?
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